Friday 6 July 2012

02. An Evening with Death.

Rocking my chair back and forth as the chirpy hours passed, I tried letting the events of the day before sink deep in my heart.

I was rocking my chair then, like I am now but what I had felt then was unfamiliar. Not for me alone but for every mortal on this earth. It was unfamiliar because until now, every person who had felt it could not live long enough to talk about it.

As I opened my eyes, I saw a fragile figure step out of thin air right in front of me. I smiled at him with inquisitive eyes. The moment I smiled at him, he was taken aback and for a second or so, traveled back to the world he was a native of. Or so it seemed to me.

What followed suit was even more baffling. Tiny glistening teardrops flooded his dark troubled eyes and as they flowed down his cheeks, they took me along. It took me a little longer than him to come back to my senses and when I finally did, there was a soft smile on his face which finally put me at ease.

I asked him 'why' instead of 'whom' as he seated himself in the opposite chair.

I waited. After a few silent moments, he said "Because that's what 'HE' says."

Discover what Death has to say. 
Discover what 'HE' says.
Same time, same blog, some day.
In the meantime, meet your friends and hear their eyes speak to you the unspoken words.

Friday 20 April 2012

01. The Chosen One

“Why me?” cried death, as the creator of creations walked past him.

The almighty, dressed in purple attire of divinity and carrying along an aura of dignity, did not look back even once as darkness hid the miniature figure of death. The dusk hours sublimed and the stars descended, but there lay death, all by himself, making a cycle of snivels and sobs.

We always find ourselves running away from death. Even though we are aware that he cannot be avoided. That in the end, there is no way around but submission, be it contently or gloomily.

But, do we ever consider anyone else’s perspective other than ours?

No, we do not. We humans are so habituated with the idea of thinking about our own selves  that we never realize that maybe someone else has a different opinion, a different perspective to the same situation or object.

That maybe someone else wants to be heard.
To be understood.

So is the case with death.

-come back to discover what death has to say.
Same time, same blog, someday.
Till then, hear your friends and foes out. Hear what they think, feel and desire.